Fake Email Messages About Potentially Lucrative Emails That Have been Quarantined

Here’s another one of those fake emails. This one is relatively new in its approach. The Subject line says “WARNING!!! (4) Messages Quarantined” and it comes from “MAIL SERVER




Delete! Delete! Delete! And delete it from your trash folder so it is completely out of your computer system. Do not click on any of the links! It goes to some obscure address like “https://cdn-s.de/cgi-bin/index.php?xxxxxxx”  (I do not post the  whole link because someone might click on it from this post). It looks like this is a code that goes to your domain server’s coding folder where it will propagate serious damage.

If you have time, please report the fake email (and all other suspicious email) to the Federal Trade Commission. Help protect the rest of the world.

This email was sent to my technical support address. So I assume it was meant to go to someone who had access to the inner workings of a website.

Notice how the top line of the messages (supposedly quarantined) looks like it has something to do with a payment? Notice also how there are several links to “Release”? These are catchy words/phrases to tempt you into seeing what you might be missing.



Here is the rest of the actual message:

Dear Mail User [



The links go here:

Important: Some incoming messages have been placed in your Personal Quarantine.

This pending messages will be deleted automatically after 7 days.

Few of your quarantined messages are listed below along with the actions that can be taken.
Quarantined email
Recipient: Subject: date:
Release (


Remittance Payment Advice For MT103 30/04/2020
Release (


Re: Re: Contract 30/04/2020
Release (


Release (


Payment Invoice N96A4456 30/04/2020
Deliver all Messages

Note : This message was sent by the system for notification only.  
 Please do not reply

If this message lands in your spam folder, please move it to your inbox folder for proper interrogation:

This mail is protected to [YOUR REAL ADDRESS]
Ⓒ 2020 Cyber Security Alert . All Rights Reserved.




Here’s a variation of the same evil scheme:

The links go to this Denmark server:

Subject: ITsupport Mail Quarantine Notification

Email Notification:

ImportantSome incoming messages have been placed in your Personal Quarantine.
This pending messages will be deleted automatically after 7 days.

Deliver all mails to your Inbox: Visit your Webmail Quarantine CenterCLICK HERE

Few of your quarantined messages are listed below along with the actions that can be taken.

Envelope From:


Subject: Inquiry
Time: Mon, 04 May 2020 08:49:14 -0700
Envelope From:


Subject: RE: Order Confirmation
Time: Mon, 04 May 2020 08:53:51 -0700
Envelope From:


Subject: L90GZ SN/679577
Time: Mon, 04 May 2020 08:55:24 -0700

Another Variation:

An email stating you purchased something and this was debited from your bank. The link goes to a fake website that appears to have no homepage but actually has a mischievous .ASPX file.

Subject:  Credit card purchase confirmation

Find attached an ACH confirmation which was processed from your bank account.